Basic usage

The minimal leaflet-html app is a basemap centered and zoomed on a location.

<l-map center="[53, 0]" zoom="4">

To add the above widget to a HTML document both JS and CSS tags need to be included in the <head> of the page.


Basic HTML recommended settings, e.g. charset, lang, and viewport to help with cross device support. Can be placed in the <head> tag, along with CSS and JS assets.

<head lang="en">
  <meta charset="utf-8" />
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" />


Leaflet is an external dependency of leaflet-html, as such, the standard Leaflet assets should be included.



Leaflet-HTML is available via npm and unpkg. To get started quickly, use the CDN version available on unpkg.

<script type="importmap">
    "imports": {
      "leaflet": "",
      "leaflet-html": ""
<script type="module">
  import "leaflet-html";

The @latest keyword should keep your site up to date during development.

Minimal style

By default Custom elements are display: inline, meaning they are unaffected by height. Add the following ruleset to your stylesheet to enable map size.

l-map {
  display: block;

It's not always necessary to set block directly on an l-map tag. For example, a parent with display: grid, will size the l-map tag appropriately.


Leaflet has fairly strong z-index settings that are not easy to override. The easiest way to get around them is to start a new stacking context using isolation: isolate.

Sensible defaults

Without knowing anything specific about your application the following settings should be a good starting place.

l-map {
  display: block;
  block-size: 40ch;
  isolation: isolate;
  z-index: 1;

This allows overlaying your own UI elements and gives full control over size and position of each map on the page.