Custom icons

There are two ways to add an icon to a marker. One is to specify a icon attribute containing a JSON string of L.Icon options.

  lat-lng="[51.5, -0.09]"
  icon='{"iconUrl": "icons/leaf-green.png"}'

The other way is to create a separate HTML tag to configure the icon. This is a more HTML centered approach. The above JSON approach may be suitable in cases where the icon data is available in a data structure.

<l-marker lat-lng="[51.5, -0.09]"><l-icon
    icon-size="[38, 95]"
    shadow-size="[50, 64]" 
    icon-anchor="[22, 94]" 
    shadow-anchor="[4, 62]" 
    popup-anchor="[-3, -76]" 

Both are supported, choose whichever is most convenient.